While cyclone “Daisy” has large parts of Europe in its icy grip, Ireland is going “tits up” (as a dear friend from Manchester would phrase it) with even the University postponing exams (can you believe it!!), myself and many other people thought — hey, this is a great photo opportunity. Let’s take some photos while it lasts.
So hoping to make the 2010 NUIM Christmas Card again I grabbed everything I needed and went for a little photo tour of the South Campus.
I’ve talked about snow photos before, so not too much to added apart from don’t forget the exposure compensation (I’ve seen plenty of muddy grey snow pictures floating around in Facebook again) and if you want to be fancy — use a polarising filter to blue-e-fy those skies. Or imitate the effect it in post-processing if you can’t / don’t want to use one. Do that in your favourite photo editing application by darkening, selectively, the blue channel.
Hi Florian,
We are here now in Israel, and we are amazed by the weather we get here.
The last week wast in its 20ies with full sunshine all day.
We took the time in the weekend to have a cycle trip to the woods at the mountains near Jerusalem.
We did heard about those storms in Europe, but now when you see a familiar place covered fully with snow, it give you some proportions for life.
Really nice photo that makes the frosty days of last year in Maynooth, a sunny days ;-)
I hope the weather will change quickly for the better.
Big DASH for all the Hamilton people.