And here’s to fine wine. This is anotherone of the shots I had submitted to the “More Than Words” photo competition. This was one of the first photos taken with my (at the time) new macro lens, a 100mm ƒ/2.8 lens, that I had just gotten a few weeks earlier. It shows one of the more “resident” internationals students in Maynooth having a nice glas of white wine in the Caulfield’s pub.
Macro lenses classically come in several focal length, typically around 50mm, 100mm and 200mm. In particular the 100mm ones are quite often used as portrait lenses too as they can give quite flattering perspectives in terms of a just-right amount of perspective compression when taking head-shots or a bit further out. Here’s for instance a very nice portrait of Barak Obama taken with a 105mm lens (thanks to the EXIF data left intact ;-)).
So if you happen to own a macro lens of around 100mm, don’t just use it for macros, give it a go with portraits or other non-macro-y subjects too!