So you’ve got all those pretty pictures from your past vacations, your last hike, that picnic with your beloved one in a park or that snap of some dark, dirty, gritty side street of Dublin. What do you do with it? Well, you leave it to catch digital dust on your hard drive. Or, if you’re really nice, you’ve made some small 6×4 prints at the chemist and sent them to your dad.
But what then? Every time I hold a print of one of my pictures in my hands, I think: Gosh, it’s so much different compared to the screen… so much better! I guess there are a number of obvious reasons for that, but I’m sure you’ve also made the experience that a “physical” copy of a photo just adds so much more to it, compared to seeing it displayed on your screen (even if it’s a 24″ monster).
I’ve just spent an hour hanging 10 of my favourite pictures up at our place, which I’ve mounted on some reasonably priced A3 passe-partouts from eBay. And guess what: All the money and effort getting the high quality prints, the tinkering with the card board and last but not least the tedious hanging (getting them straight, equally spaced, at equal heights) was definitely worth it.
So go ahead, make prints of your best photos, mount them and completely rediscover them in their new incarnation!
PS: Here’s the seller’s shop listing where I bought the mounting equipment: You’ll need picture mounts, mounting boards and ideally some acid-free tape to mount the pictures properly and them frame them. If you don’t want to frame, you can just glue the stuff together, like I did.